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- 2 cups Silk Soy Milk (Organic, No Sugar Added)

- l½ cup frozen mango

- l½ cup frozen blueberries

- 1 small ripe banana

- l½ teaspoon Splenda (Optional)

- 1 ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract (Optional)

- Dash of nutmeg  (Optional)



Content per Serving for Key DASH Nutrients and Energy


- Energy (Calories): 100


- Total Fat (grams): 1.5


- Calories From Fat (% total Calories): 13.5


- Saturated Fat (g): 0


- Calories From Saturated Fat (% total Calories): 0


- Cholesterol (Mg): 5


- Calcium (Mg): 55


- Magnesium (Mg): 13


- Potassium (Mg): 182


- Fiber (g): 5








  • Put fruit in an electric blender

  • Add soy milk to the fruit

  • Add Splenda and nutmeg to the soymilk-fruit mixture.

  • Blend until Smooth ( ~10 seconds; If frozen fruit gets lodged between the blades, it may be necessary to start and re-start the blender in order to complete blending of ingredients).




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